The Meriff's Echo on Elpis in Borderlands: The Presequel (BL:TPS)
The Meriff's Echo on Elpis in Borderlands: The Presequel (BL:TPS)
The Meriff's Echo on Elpis in Borderlands: The Presequel (BL:TPS)

The secret diaries of the Meriff:

Related Missions[edit]

Wiping the Slate


ECHO 1[edit]

"First day on the new job and yeeeee-haw, it's great to be king! I worked bloody hard to get here! Greased multiple palms, and kissed more than my fair share of arses -- ptooie! But, it's worth it. Concordia needs someone like me to streer it through choppy waters -- tough, fair, just the right amount of open-mindedness -- and if a bit of extra money happens to fall into my pocket as I do my job, well, we'll just call that campaign finance. Feels great to leave Hyperion. There I was just a small cog in a huge machine, but here? here, I'm a big fish! I really need to work on my visual metaphors. Point is, the future's rosy for Huxter T. Meredith, AKA Concordia's new Meriff! Meriff: a mayor, and a sheriff. Ha!"

ECHO 2[edit]

"Everything's going according to plan -- I'm richer than my wildest dreams, popular, alive. The other day Philo Simons, the guy with the weird leg, came to the office to thank me for the work I did with the food drive. Thank ME. Shook my hand, tears in his eyes -- can you believe it? -- trembling chin, the works. I'm a flippin' saint! But why can't I sleep anymore? Sure, I didn't use all the money on food, but a man's gotta live! I mean, a little bit. I'm still what this place needs, aren't I? it's a hard universe and... yeah, I... yeah. I can still turn this around. I can still change."

ECHO 3[edit]

"She came last night, Dahl bitch. Made be betray Hyperion. Not that I care about the Board -- money grubbers -- just the clueless workers I'm probably helping to kill! I'm done, I'm out! I could feel the last of whatever it is I call a soul being destroyed as I accepted her payment. But I didn't want to die! And if I didn't do what she said, who knows what she'd have done to Concordia! But I did have the keys to Helios. If I leave, then maybe Zarpedon and her purple army will leave my people alone. I'll go somewhere. I'll try to make a fresh start, atone for my sins. I know I'm running away... bloody coward! I'm the biggest arse on the moon. And there are some arses on the moon, but I'm the biggest."