Zarpedon's ECHO on Elpis in Borderlands: The Presequel (BL:TPS)

"One of Zarpedon's personal ECHO recordings."

Related Missions[edit]

The Secret Chamber

Recording 1[edit]

"As captain of this ship you all know I am not one to brook complacency, but I want all hands to know attending Private Harding's birthday party will not be mandatory. Though there will be cake. Very nice chocolate cake. That is all."

Recording 2[edit]

"Attention crew: the Drakensburg instruments are picking up infrequent energy pulses, which appear to emanate from inside Elpis. Our best men are examining the reading, though until further notice, I want all hands to attend weekly medical checkups. That's an order."

Recording 3[edit]

"All hands, be advised, while naming our new mascot "Zarpedon" would naturally be a wonderful act of kindness, it's also against regs. Please choose another. That is all."

Recording 4[edit]

"Zarpedon's personal log. it's going to be hard to say goodbye to the Drakensburg and her crew, but a promotion's a promotion, even if it is, thankfully, only for a year. I look forward to taking the reins of the local Dahl fleet, but I'm sure if Captain Rankus is truly ready to command this ship. I've moved most of my belongings to my new command center, but my private armory is going to have to wait until I'm properly settled in. General Higgins assures me my extra pay will cover Brittania's new medical treatments. I miss her terribly, but when this tour is over I'll be home for good. Finally."