The Mysterious Loot Chest in Concordia in Borderlands: The Presequel (BL:TPS)

NOTE: For a complete list of all active Shift Codes, see: Borderlands Pre-Sequel: Shift Codes

The "Mysterious Loot Chest" (also known as the "Golden Key Chest") is a special chest in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel

It is located in Concordia (you get there early in the game by doing story missions)

How to open[edit]

Interact with the Shift Code Central Kiosk in Concordia and choose the Repository tab. From there, you can submit shift codes and claim your golden keys(note:need WiFi)

If you need more Golden Keys, see this page to get more shift codes:

Borderlands Pre-Sequel: Shift Codes

After you have claimed your Golden Keys, you can open the chest

The chest will yield 1-4 purple rarity items (You only get one item when it's a rocket launcher, it's 2-4 any other time.)

Items you can get include:

  • Pistols
  • Assault Rifles
  • Shotguns
  • Sniper Rifles
  • Laser Weapons
  • Shields
  • Grenade Mods
  • Rocket Launchers

All items will be at your level or one level above you.

Opening the chest consumes one golden key

Once you are out of golden keys you can no longer open the chest, but you can get more golden keys by visiting the following page:

Borderlands Pre-Sequel: Shift Codes

and entering new shift codes!






