A Bokoblin stands watch atop a Bokoblin Guard Tower in LoZ: BotW.
The Bokoblin Guard Tower is a tower in the game The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.
Found in Bokoblin Outposts and other strategic locations where Bokoblins reside.
There will usually be a Bokoblin on the top who will watch for incoming intruders (such as Link)
When Link is spotted, the Bokoblin will do one or more of the following:
- Alert the other Bokoblins in the area and call for backup using his horn.
- Shoot at Link with a bow.
Strategy Guide/Tips[edit]
- Use Stealth to sneak past a Bokoblin Tower or to approach the guard and catch him by surprise.
- Some Bokbolin Towers have a Bokoblin Treasure Chest on them.