Link talking to the Dugby in LoZ: BotW.

Dugby is a character appearing in the game The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.


Dugby is a young Goron who is relaxing in one of the numerous hot springs found throughout




Dugby: Bello! Goo gon't go but I'm thaying?

Link: Nonsense.

Dugby: *guuuurgle* Bouquet, gid goo get dat?

Link: Nonsense.

Dugby: I bid a tweshure binteen gear an be Bridge of Eldin! Iz an abazing schtick! Beely bool! If boo bind it... iz boars.

Dugby: Hey! Don'te ll m that stick is...

Link: I found it!

Dugby: That's the drillshaft I hid! ...Right? Actually, I need to get a better look at it. Show it to me! NOW!

Dugby: Oh! I guess so. It's suspicious, though. I can't help thinkin' that's the drillshaft I hid... There's no mistakin' it... There was definitely a big noise. Could this person be... Mmhmmm... SO you went and found the drillshaft I hid. Well, it looks like I lost this battle! You can go ahead and keep that drillshaft. Thanks for talkin' to me!
