Link talking to the Gotter in LoZ: BotW.

Gotter is a character appearing in the game The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.


Gotter is a stable hand at the Riverside Stable. He loves the beautiful things in the world.




Gotter: Traveling alone - and in the rain no less? This inn is a thing of beauty, rain or shine, so it's a fine place to take a break. The river here makes for some lovely scenery,, and if you head northeast from here you'll find the Millennio Sandbar. There scenery there is every bit as lovely as the scenery here! I'm something of a connoisseur of beauty, you see - I simply cannot resist a beautiful sight! I try to exude this in all things, not least of all my own beautiful appearance. Speaking of, has anyone ever told you... You have the most beautiful features! Ahh, I do have many fond memories of this beautiful land... If you have the time, would you indulge me?

Link: I'll listen.

Gotter: Oh, you would? Even more beautiful on the inside! Now, let's see... If you head north through Hyrule Field, you'll see the castle surrounded by that foul aura. It has long been a den of monsters, but in its glory days it was surely a thing of wondrous beauty. It was in that very castle in those very days that my ancestor... Hmm, my grandfather's grandfather, I believe... Anyway, he worked as the castle's appointed chef! I couldn't believe it myself! Oh, how I wonder what sorts of cuisine members of the royal court enjoyed in those good ol' days... As a child, I would often suffer meager meals, all while dreaming of the beautiful dishes that might have graced my plate. Oh, if only things had been different! Gourmet spiced meat, seafood curry, mushroom risotto, egg pudding... Oh, my, I think I'm salivating. And it's my pursuit of those childhood dreams that explains the fabulous body you see here! These days, I enjoy my time working at these stables, sharing my tales of beauty with any traveler willing to listen. But I still wonder what could have been. Anyway, excuse me.. I seem to have caught myself prattling on. But looking upon your perfectly symmetrical face and discussing meals of beauty has rekindled my desire. If you should happen to set foot inside Hyrule Castle, could you find it in you to keep an eye out for a cookbook? There must be one lying around somewhere in there! I'm simply dying to finally sample the good of the royal court.

Gotter: You what?! You really discovered a royal cookbook? Could I bother you further to prepare the dish for me? I must sample it!

Link: Give him fruitcake.

Gotter: This... This is the fruitcake said to be eaten by the princess of Hyrule... *crunch* *munch...munch* *gulp*

Gotter: Simply... delicious... How could I possibly describe this experience? A refreshing aroma reminiscent of galloping across these majestic planes on horseback... No, that undersells the dish's complexity. It fills me with that heart-thumping intensity that seize your very soul when you're spotted by a Guardian! A truly elegant dish! I never thought I would taste something quite so thrilling. I really must thank you for giving such a beautiful meal! Here, take this. For your trouble.

Gotter: What?! You discovered another recipe? Could I bother you further to prepare the dish for me? I must sample it!

Link: Give him monster cake.

Gotter: This monster cake is said to have been a favorite of the minister of Hyrule. *crunch* *munch...munch* *gulp*

Gotter: It tastes... beautiful... How can I put it into words? It's like biting into a Chuchu... No, no, that would be disgusting and dangerous. It stimulates the brain, much like being pummeled by a Hinox! A truly elegant dish! I never thought I would taste something quite so thrilling. I really must thank you for giving me such a beautiful meal! Here, take this. For your trouble.

Link: Not now.

Gotter: To taunt me with such a delectable and beautiful aroma yet not share... So cruel...
