Link talking to the Ledo in LoZ: BotW.

Ledo is a character appearing in the game The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.


Ledo is a stonemason making repairs to Zora's Domain.




Ledo: Over here! I'm over here! I apologize for calling on you so suddenly! I am Ledo, a proud member of the distinguished Zora. As you are a real Hylian, I had no choice but to call upon you! Will you please spare me a moment of your time.

Link: Sure thing.

Ledo: Thank you so very much! Do you see that tower...the one atop that mountain yonder? I need you to go upstream of Zora River, which runs along the north side of that tower... to Inogo Bridge. You see, Prince Sidon of the Zora is in desperate search of a strong Hylian. And as this is a royal request from the prince himself, it's safe to assume a generous reward is in the cards. That is why I am asking you to meet with Prince Sidon at Inogo Bridge, along the Zora River just upstream of here.

Ledo: Oy! Hylian! You have appeased Ruta! I cannot express how grateful I am! However, those of us in Zora's Domain the ramifications of the chaos Ruta wrought... That's why my senior apprentice, Fronk, and I are repairing the domain. However, our materials are a bit depleted...

Link: Materials?

Ledo: Yes... Repairs require a large number of luminous Stones. You can find plenty of them around Upland Zorana. Have you, by chance, already stumbled across some luminous stones during your travels? For instance, if you have 10 of them, that would be a big help...

Ledo: Yes! Hello! Did you need something from me?

Link: Here are the stones.

Ledo: Thank you! You're really giving me 10 Luminous Stones?! In that case, please excuse me while I count them! And a oooone! And a twooooo! And a threeeeeee! Fooooooour! Fiiiiive! Siiiiiiiix! Seveeeeeeeen! Eeeeeeeeeeight! Niiiiiiiine! Aaand...TEN! Oh, my! You really brought all 10! Thank you! yes, I will happily take those luminous stones from you! Oh, that's right... I must reward you! And what's more, I'll give you one extra as a bonus! You're a lifesaver! Truly! If you ever find yourself in possession of 10 luminous stones in the future, I hope you will bring them to me. But if that happens, know I'll only be able to give you one Diamond for them. I would be honored if you could accept it when the time comes!
