Sidon is a character appearing in the game The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.
Sidon is the son of King Dorephan and was the brother of Mipha. He is very adventurous and will do what he feels best for Zora's Domain.
Divine Beast Vah Ruta
Main Quest
Sidon: Say, hey there! Young one! Up top! Above you! Pardon the entrance, but you're a Hylian, aren't you? I was hoping perhaps you'd have a moment to talk...
Sidon: Aha! A Hylian! Yes, I knew it! Oh, pardon me... I am Sidon, the Zora prince! And what is your name? Go on, please tell me!"
Sidon: Link? Your name is Link?! What a fantastic name! Hmm, though I cannot shake the feeling that I have heard it somewhere before... Well, in any case, it is a strong name! To be honest, I've been watching you. I've seen the way you work. I can tell by how you carry yourself that you are no ordinary person. Link! You must be a strong warrior among the Hylians, correct?!"
Link: That's right.
Sidon: Aha! Just as I suspected! I am a Zora prince, after all. I have an eye for talent that is unparalleled! Yes! Exquisite! I have been searching for someone like you for a long while. A man like you, Link, who carries himself with power! Right now, Zora's Domain is in grave danger because of the massive rainfall coming from Ruta! Please, promise you will help us! We need your strength, warrior! Won't you please come to Zora's Domain with me?"
Link: Sure thing.
Sidon: Wow! Really?! Thank you, Link! You are indeed the man I thought you were! Now Zora's Domain will be saved for certain! No time to waste! Hurry up and head over!"
Sidon: Because of the rain, the cliffs are too wet to climb. To reach the domain, you will need to go straight along this path. As a Hylian, I know you are unable to swim up the river. As such, the path to the domain may be a bit treacherous. You likely have a tough fight in store––there are monsters up ahead that attack with electricity. Don't give up! I believe in you!"
Sidon: ...Oh! That's right! I have something that I would like to give to you! This is just a small trinket to show that I have faith in you. It is a drink that will increase your resistance to electricity! I am not sure why, but its effects do not seem to work for Zora. Perhaps because it was made specifically for Hylians. It should work wonders for you, though! I shall go on ahead and make sure there is not anything strange going on where you are headed. I'm counting on you!"
Sidon: HEY! Link!! Sorry for calling out to you from the river! Since I pressured you into coming, I was not sure you would really come through. I am pleased things are going well. Ever since this strange occurrence, there have been a lot of monsters around here. Be careful as you proceed! And hurry! All of my fellow Zora are anxiously awaiting your arrival!"
Sidon: HEY! Over here! Sorry for calling from so far away! The domain is still a ways off, but you're making good progress! I shall be along soon myself. I won't be much longer! In the meantime, I'll be cheering you on from here in the river, so hang in there! You can do it! Stay strong!"
Sidon: Hey! Link!! You're almost halfway to Zora's Domain! Oh, by the way, there are a few spots up ahead with lots of enemies...but I'm sure you will be fine! I believe in you, Link!"
Sidon: Hey! Link!! Look below! Down here! You are still pretty far off, my friend! But I was sure you'd be passing over this bridge, so I have been waiting for you. You will be in Zora's Domain before you know it! In fact, I'm going to head that way too! I shall meet you there!"
Sidon: Whoa! Link!! Beware, warrior! A monster approaches from behind you!"
Sidon: Whoa! I've been waiting for you, Link! Welcome! Behold the pride of my people, Zora's Domain! Now I shall introduce you to the king. Hurry, this way!"
King Dorephan: Ah. You must be the Hylian that Sidon brought here, correct? You did well to come all the way here! I am King Dorephan, ruler of the Zora. Hm? That object upon your that not a Sheikah Slate?! HMMM?! Now that I have gotten a good look at you, it is all too clear who you are... You are the Hylian Champion, Link! Do not tell me you have forgotten me...
Sidon: The Hylian Champion? You can't mean THE Link? THAT Champion?! So that's where I have heard your name before! What a fateful coincidence that we could cross paths!
King Dorephan: I cannot believe it. The Hylian Champion, Link, has appeared before us... We have met numerous times, I'll have you know. Ah... So many memories! My mind is overflowing with nostalgia, my friend. I'd heard a terrible rumor that you had fallen in combat, but it appears you managed to survive. Extraordinary!
Link: I lost my memory.
King Dorephan: Come again? You say you have lost your memory? But surely you must remember my precious daughter, Mipha, yes? You do, do you not?
Link: Mipha who?
King Dorephan: I cannot believe it... Have you truly forgotten my dear Mipha as well? You and Mipha were so close... Yet you do not remember her? Young hero... Please look upon the beauty of Zora's Domain. Do you see that statue? Does gazing upon Mipha's immortalized form still not jog your memory? Well, perhaps your memory will return in time. I dearly hope so.
Sidon: Father... I do not believe discussing my sister is helping matters at the moment. Link seems confused.
King Dorephan: Oh? Yes, of course. But first, it is worth noting how remarkable it is that Sidon brought a Champion here without realizing it! That is quite a feat, my boy! Wah ha ha! That is a good one! Link, I doubt not that you have endured a great many trials. Still, I must ask you to hear my plea. Now then. Hero... I must inform you that Zora's Domain is in danger of vanishing because of Divine Beast Vah Ruta. I shall do you the courtesy of speaking bluntly. We alone cannot stop this beast. Will you lend us your strength?
Muzu: What?! King Dorephan! My liege! Please do not speak so! To ask a Hylian for help... Why, the very thought of it curls my fins!
King Dorephan: Muzu, I expected more of you. How can you still protest?
Sidon: Muzu! It is rude to speak that way to your king and his guest. Link is here because I invited him! With such unprecedented rainfall, we have no choice but to rely on the aid of a trustworthy Hylian. Have we not already discussed this and arrived at that very conclusion? He is the key to saving Zora's Domain. I have no doubt in my mind.
King Dorephan: Indeed! Link is a Champion, through and through. As things now stand, Zora's Domain... Nay! Perhaps all of doomed to be swallowed by the sea. This is bigger than all of us, my friend. Zora and Hylians alike must put aside our differences and band together.
Muzu: Have you forgotten already, my king?! We cannot trust these lowly Hylians! A hundred years ago, they abused the power of an ancient civilization and turned Hyrule into what it is today! And that is not the least of it! It is their fault that Lady Mipha was lost to us...
King Dorephan: ... Link... Divine Beast Vah Ruta has great power. It has the unique ability to create an endless supply of water. Of late it has been mercilessly spouting water into the air. As a result, this area has been plagued by heavy rains. For us Zora, water and air are as one, so you would not think this would be quite so critical of a problem. Sadly, the rains have filled the eastern reservoir nearly to the point of flooding. If the reservoir bursts, as it soon will, I fear immense damage will befall not only Zora's Domain...but also the area downstream from us. There, Hylian lives are in very grave danger. Hmm... The Divine Beast is crying out once again...
King Dorephan: The Divine Beast Vah Ruta... Your princess, Zelda, often studied the Divine Beasts. That is, in the time before the Great Calamity. According to her research, the orbs located on Ruta's shoulders...are mechanisms that can control the water it generates. However, they require electricity to work. These orbs are clearly out of control now because there is no electricity coursing through to stop them.
Sidon: Seggin, who is quite shock resistant for a Zora, hit one with a shock arrow. Sure enough, it slowed the water a bit. Unfortunately, as an aquatic race, we Zora are terribly vulnerable to the power of electricity. Perhaps because we could not safely strike it with enough electricity at once, the water soon returned to its full force. That is why I went in search of a Hylian who could help us! Link, I am certain you have already figured this out, but... We need you to use shock arrows to get those orbs working properly again! I will aid you in any way I can, of course. Please, hero... I beg of you. Help me stop Ruta's rampage of destruction!
Link: I, um...
King Dorephan: Whaaat?! Princess Zelda herself instructed you to board the Divine Beast and appease it from within? So then...Princess Zelda is still alive?
Link: Yes, in Hyrule Castle.
King Dorephan: I do not believe it... She was alive this whole time, just as you were! The events of 100 years ago cannot be altered, it is true. But if we can regain control of the Divine Beasts...they may yet prove useful in sealing Calamity Ganon once and for all!
Sidon: I did not know you had such grand ambitions, Link... Wondrous! Naturally, I shall help too! Once it has stopped rampaging, you can easily climb inside it. Come, Link! Let us appease Ruta together!"
Link: I'm in. Let's do this!
King Dorephan: Thank you, Link. Truly. We are in your debt. Our goal is the same. That means our meeting was nothing short of destiny. Now then, allow me to offer you this gift as a show of faith. So long as you wear this, you can ascend waterfalls just like a Zora. Please, take good care of it.
Muzu: King Dorephan!! Surely you do not really intend to give this outsider the Zora Armor! Countless generations of Zora princesses have gifted that armor to the one they have sworn to marry! Princess Mipha made that one there with her own hands! It is far too important to entrust to a shady Hylian! He may be a Champion, but Mipha had no such relationship with him. So why should HE receive such an honor? This is just too much, my liege! I do not understand it one bit!
King Dorephan: Hmph. That Muzu is not easily swayed once his mind is set. You must understand... He was in charge of educating my dear daughter, Mipha. Naturally, she means a lot to him...just as she means the world to us. Ever since we lost her to the Calamity, he has grown to despise Hylians. I hope you can forgive his rudeness. Hmm, but what shall we do now? I tasked Muzu with finding the shock arrows we will need to appease Vah Ruta. But now he has rushed off in a huff...
Sidon: Link! Do not let his words concern you. I will work this out with Muzu. I shall return shortly!"
King Dorephan: Sidon... I suppose that means you are going to tell him... Link... Muzu is most likely at the square down below. Would you mind going down there? I would like you to try to speak with him.
Muzu: Hmph. You came all the way here, but it was in vain. I have no desire to speak with you.
Sidon: Listen well, Muzu. There is something you need to know."
Sidon: Glad to see you're ready to go, Link! Are you ready for this? Do you have your Zora Armor and enough shock arrow?
Link: I'm ready!
Sidon: Wonderful! You never cease to amaze, Link! Now then, let us go and appease that Divine Beast as one! Here we go!!
Sidon: Gaze now upon the Divine Beast's back! Do you see those glowing, pink orbs? You will need to shoot each of them with a Shock Arrow! With your Zora Armor, you now have the ability to ascend waterfalls! So I shall take you right up to the side of the Divine Beast, and from there you can swim up and take aim! I know you can do it! I believe in you! Now hurry up and get on my back!
Link: I'm ready.
Sidon: Good answer! Let's get going! OK! Here we go!!
Sidon: Ha! I am unstoppable in the water! Ruta is responding to our presence! I'll move away and wait for an opening before we approach! I'll keep going at full speed! It's up to you to ward off Ruta's attacks! Are you ready? Divine Beast Vah Ruta will undoubtedly use its ancient and mysterious powers against us... That includes hurling giant ice blocks that we will need to watch out for. I shall leave those to you!
Sidon: WOW! That was astounding! An absolute thrill!
Sidon: Link, look! The water spouting from Ruta has slowed down! Ruta is floating higher now! You wanted to venture inside it, right?! I'll bring you closer! We're counting on you, hero! Do good work in there!
Sidon: Well, Link, here we are. Looks like this is where the real work starts. Best of luck. Nice job cutting off the water flow from this Divine Beast. Show the enemy no fear. I'll see you back at Zora's Domain. Farewell. Finish the job, Link...
King Dorephan: Link! You did well to survival your trial! I have been awaiting your return! The violent downpour has disappeared, as has the threat to Zora's Domain! It is all little more than a bad dream now. Thanks to your efforts, there is no longer any danger of a great flood laying waste to Hyrule! You appeased the Divine Beast Vah Ruta and thusly saved Zora's Domain! We are all truly grateful! What you did for us is more than we could have ever expected of you.
Muzu: Link... I must sincerely apologize for my harsh treatment of you. That whole time, you were thinking of Hyrule's and Lady Mipha's well-being, just like the rest of us. All of the members of our council humbly fold our fins back in gratitude, along with the rest of our people. Perhaps the older generation of Zora, myself included, misunderstood Hylians after all. It would seem so. That said, I would be over joyed if you could find it in your heart to forgive me. If not now, then perhaps one day.
King Dorephan: Link! I must reward your efforts! Now then! I implore you yo collect the treasure inside that chest over there. It was cherished by Mipha. A memento of sorts. I would like to have it as a token of our friendship. Please take good care of it. By the way, Link. I see you are without your trusty blade... the sword that seals the darkness. Did you perhaps lose it when you lost your memory?
Link: What sword?
King Dorephan: Hm. So you have forgotten that as well... That is a legendary blade that only you, the Hylian Champion, can wield. It is no doubt resting somewhere in Hyrule even now... waiting for its master to return. Link, all of the Zora thank you from the depths of our hearts for your heroic and selfless work! ...And you too, Sidon. As your father, I am proud of you fighting the Divine Beast alongside Link. You have grown much recently. I kknow you will be a worthy heir when your time comes.
Sidon: Father... I ... Thank you!
King Dorephan: The heavy rains have stopped,, and the Divine Beast is our ally once again! How glorious! Truly splendid! Wah ha ha ha!
Sidon: Link! This is wonderful! Link! Thank you so much! Truly, I could never thank you enough! You helped save our home from vanishing away! This calls for a top-tier expression of gratitude! ZO! ZO! RA RA RA! With all my heart... Thank you!"
- Sidon is very capable and has managed to cut his way out of an Octorok's innards.