This page has the Ta'loh Naeg Puzzle Solution.

The Ta'loh Naeg's Teachings Trial is a Trial in the game The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.

This page has the walkthrough/solution to the Ta'loh Naeg's TeachingsPuzzle.




  • Once you enter the shrine and are greeted, there are 2 chests. The one to the left has an Eightfold Blade and the one on the left has a Shield of the Mind's Eye. Take them because they are both decent early game items.
  • Equip a Sword and Shield to Link. This will ensure you can complete the training without having to change mid-fight, if you prefer. It can done with a two-handed weapon and shield as well.
  • Head toward the center of this chamber to trigger the Guardian Scout that will rise up from the void in the middle.
  • The first skill you will practice is the Side Hop. While locked onto a foe, press jump while moving to the left or right to evade the attack. You must execute this technique against an incoming attack once.
  • The second skill is the Backflip. While locked onto your opponent, wait until they are about to attack. Then, as they are attacking, move away from then and press Jump. You must execute this technique against an incoming attack once.
  • The third skill is the Perfect Guard. This will deflect an incoming attack, knocking the foe's weapon back. You must succeed at this one.
  • The final skill is the Charge Attack. You need to hold down the attack button to build charge. The attack will automatically unleash if the Stamina Wheel fills with the red. Otherwise, the attack will release when you let go of the attack button.
  • Be sure you are a step or two back from the Guardian Scout. If their attack hits link, the charge attack is lost.
  • Defeating the Guardian Scout will have it drop a Guardian Sword and other loot from Scouts, like Ancient Screws.
  • Head to the back of the room where the gate just opened.
  • In the chest through the door you will find an Opal
  • Climb the stairs and interact with the Monk Ta'loh Naeg to complete the Shrine.

Strategy Guide/Tips[edit]

  • This is a training shrine. If you want to work on your dodging and parrying, it is a great place to practice in relative safety.

Video Walkthrough[edit]

Ta'loh Naeg's Teaching Trial Video Walkthrough

Shrines of Trials Puzzles[edit]