The Crowned Beast is one of the side Quests in LoZ:BotW

The Crowned Beast is a Quest (Side Quest) in the game The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.


Talk with Kass on the Rabia Plain.




Kass has a new song to share with Link about the Rabia Plain.


  • You need to find a Stag and mount it.
  • To catch the stag, you will want to have Stealth Boosts active to aid in getting close.
  • To soothe the Stag, you will want about 3/4 stamina wheel filled.
  • Once the Stag is soothed, head back to where Kass was.
  • Walk the Stag onto Shiekah platform to trigger the Shrine to appear.
  • Ride the stag over to Mezza Lo Shrine for ease.



Kass: We meet again! It's good to see you well. Would you like to hear the ancient verse passed down in this region?

Link: Let's hear it

Kass: Excellent! Without further ado..."A beast that wears a crown of bone, Prancing through the lush green. Mount the beast upon its throne, For only then the shrine is seen." I suppose "the Lush green" could refer to this place. But what sort of beast wears a "Crown of bone"? There's definitely a secret hiding here, but it's beyond me. May the light illuminate your path.




Video Walkthrough[edit]

[ The Crowned Beast Video Walkthrough]

Strategy Guide/Tips[edit]
