A city can have different districts in Civ 6

In Civilization VI, buildings are no longer trapped in your City Center, but may sprawl across your territory as part of districts. The map is more important than ever as you are faced with important strategic placement decisions. Campuses and Holy Site's alike receive special boosts from placement near Mountains, but only the former also benefits from a nearby source of Rainforest. Specialty districts, such as the Campus or Commercial Hub, will have a Population requirement. The Neighborhood and Aqueduct are not affected by this requirement.

When a city is ready to construct something, the Choose Production button will appear. If a district is available to be constructed, it will appear on this menu. Click on the district to order the city to begin construction, opening the district placement lens. Here, you will be given an overview of the different yield outcomes available on the tiles surrounding your City Center, and you can better make a decision about where to place your district. This lens will also show you which tiles are unavailable, as some districts have very specific placement requirements (for example, the Encampment cannot be built adjacent to a City Center). Furthermore, all districts must be built within 3 tiles of a City Center.

Districts may be placed on top of features such as Woods or Rainforest if you have the technology to remove those features, but for a longer construction time.