Get to the Honden is an objective in Cyberpunk 2077 (Cyberpunk2077).

Get to the Honden is an objective in the Gig, A Shrine Defiled in Cyberpunk 2077


  • Once you arrive at the location for the gig, head on up the stairs and then head over to the right, through the red arch, with the large building just beyond it.
  • Head to the entrance of the large shrine building itself.
  • Just above the entrance of the building, is a security camera which you should use to search through the area and mark the Tyger Claws.
  • Do not go through the main entrance, head over to the left-hand side of the building.
  • Start by taking down the Tyger Claw in this small area and hiding the body using the container right there.
  • You can hop up onto the wall just past here to search for 2 more Tyger Claws.
  • Drop back to the ground and then look to the right and open the shutters.
  • Sneak forward to enter the building.
  • Go over to the left, getting into the open doorway there.
  • Immediately look to the ceiling to spot the Security Camera there.
  • Hack the camera, either disable it or switch it to friendly mode.
  • Before heading through this area, watch for the 2 Tyger Claws here.
  • Wait for the pair patrolling the middle of this area to begin.
  • Start with the Tyger Claw in the middle of the area and get them with a take down.
  • To do this, head out of the area by the shutter.
  • Jump through the opening there and then get behind nearby Tyger Claw.
  • After that, go over toward the center of the complex, through the doorway nearby the camera you disabled.
  • There is another Tyger Claw you might need to take down, unless they have wandered out of this area.
  • Through the door, V will see the shrine in front of you.
  • Quickly move across the walkway and head on through the doors at the top of the stairs.
  • This will get you into the Shrine itself.
