Radar Love is a Mission in Cyberpunk 2077 (Cyberpunk2077).

Radar Love is a Gig in Cyberpunk 2077.


  • Gig Type: Thievery
  • Objective: Steal mobile radar station, model P9D/2.161
  • Location: Militech base at Lone Star Motel
  • Details:

The Badlands are a fragile ecosystem where each piece has an important role to play. Change one thing and the whole circle of life starts to unwind. Militech doesn’t seem to understand and set up a whole operation to cement the borders. they have a prototype mobile radar unit they use to attack Aldecaldo transports currently moored at their latest outpost. We get our mitts on that, the Aldecaldos can reverse engineer themselves a jamming signal designed to beat the new Militech toy. Once those transports are invisible again, the ecosystem will be restored to balance.





  • €8580
  • 621 xp
  • 1397 Street Cred

Video Walkthrough[edit]

Radar Love Video Walkthrough