Berley Lake Ambush Camp in Days Gone (DaysGone).

Berley Lake Ambush Camp is a Location in Days Gone.




Clear the Ambush Camp[edit]

  • This camp is easiest to approach from the Western side to get a good overlook of the camp.
  • Approach this spot carefully to spot a Sniper.
  • Slip down the slope and start sneaking up on them (or use a Silenced Weapon to pick them off).
  • Wait for a while if the Sniper noticed you on approach for them to drop from alert.
  • Get them with a takedown and get ready to start tackling the rest of the camp.
  • There are 12 other Marauders that need to be dealt with.
  • Use this overlook to spot and mark a number of the Marauders with your Binoculars.
  • Go back to the East and then to the South, taking the nearby slope down toward the Ambush Camp proper.
  • Check along the Eastern side of the building here to mark the 2 patrolling Marauders in the area.
  • If possible, mark the Marauder inside the nearby building as well who periodically checks the windows on this side.
  • Watch these Marauders for a short while to get an idea of their pattern and see when is a good time to ambush the individuals.
  • Wait for one of the Marauders to head to the North and get them with a Takedown.
  • Hide either behind the barrier to against the house after that.
  • Watch and wait for the Marauder inside the house to move around to see where they are.
  • Climb into the house next and take them down.
  • Make your way to the South, watching the Marauders through the windows.
  • One Marauder is likely standing by the fire, just watching it.
  • Use a Rock to distract them so you can quickly take them down.
  • Then take cover by the table nearby the small tents along the Western side.
  • Slip along the back of the camp to the East to keep out of sight of the Marauders.
  • Move to the nearby shed to watch and wait for the next Marauder to come by so you can sneak behind them for a takedown.
  • Now you should sneak along the Western side to the North.
  • Go to the Northern end of the camp along this side and takedown the Sniper watching over this area.
  • Slip carefully to the Southeastern section of the camp.
  • Use Rocks to distract the few remaining Patrollers.
  • This will likely lead to a large fight with the few remaining Marauders.

Investigate the Bunker[edit]

  • After clearing out the Marauders, you want to find the Bunker.
  • Search along the Eastern side where you can see the rocks.
  • Look between the rocks to find the entrance to the bunker.
  • Open it up and climb down the ladder into the bunker.
  • Inside the bunker, go over to the West to the room with the couch.
  • Turn to the North there and go to the middle of the room on the right to find a table with a map on it.
  • Investigate the map to complete clearing the Ambush camp.

Video Walkthrough[edit]

Berley Lake Ambush Camp Video Walkthrough