Clear Camp of Freakers is an objective in Days Gone (DaysGone).

Clear Camp of Freakers is an objective in the Story Mission, What Do You Do? in Days Gone


  • This Abandoned NERO camp has 9 Swarmers that need to be taken down.
  • Head up the slope to the Northwest, where you can see a Swarmer.
  • Attacking this Swarmer will lure 6 more Swarmers to your location.
  • Liberal use of your melee weapon can easily get you through this fight.
  • From there, head to the North.
  • You will see some helicopters on the ground.
  • Nearby these helicopters you can find the 2 remaining Swarmers.
  • Sneak up on them from a distance.
  • Take out one of them with the Crossbow if possible and then get the other with a Stealth Takedown (or just use Stealth Takedowns on both).
