Deacon St. John in Days Gone.

Deacon St. John is the Main Character in Days Gone.


Ex member of the Mongrels Motorcycle Club.

  • Years Lived: Deacon St. John, ex-military and outlaw biker. From a young age he always showed love for the Christian religion and interest in everything like his father. Deacon remembers his parents a lot even his mother who admired and appreciated him a lot, she knew perfectly well the sacrifices and tears she shed to hope that her son would have a better future. Deacon protects women a lot and does not like that they are mistreated and underestimated, and thinks that the love of a sincere and pure woman is comparable to a superior love such as that which Our Lady feels for her faithful. In his military background, he recalls meeting a woman of southern Italian descent whose short name was Mary. Temperamentally, he reminded her very much of her mother; Mary and Deacon had formed a strong bond. The man who over the years has become a tramp or rather a "bounty hunter" full of memories and feelings does not feel dejected at all but it makes him even stronger.
  • Ally Sarah.
  • Best friend with Boozer.
  • Frequently called "Deek".
