Enter the transportation building is an objective in Days Gone (DaysGone).

Enter the transportation building is an objective in the Story Mission, It Was The Only Way in Days Gone


  • Approach the door that Skizzo is headed toward the door on the Southern side of the warehouse.
  • The door is locked and after Skizzo tries to kick it open, the pair head over to the West.
  • Go over to the small building to the West with the double glass doors.
  • Interact with the doors and then Skizzo will kick them open.
  • Head on inside the building and start following the walkway.
  • At the first intersection, expect a pair of Swarmers
  • From there, head to the West.
  • Go outside the building, head to the North and then over to the East.
  • This next building will let you get inside the next building.
