Find the bonfire is an objective in Days Gone (DaysGone).

Find the bonfire is an objective in the Story Mission, I Kept My Name in Days Gone


  • Once again, stealth is important to make your way through this open area.
  • Follow the ramp down the front of the building down to street level.
  • Carefully move at the base of the ramp since there are a number more Rippers around here.
  • Move to the South, staying away from the Rippers and staying close to the building.
  • Head along the path for now, watching for the next Ripper in your way.
  • Take out the Ripper and then stay close to the barricade to the South.
  • Along the barricade, head to the Southeast along it toward the next Ripper.
  • Turn to the East from there and start toward the second building in this area.
