Japanese Balloon Bomb in Days Gone (DaysGone).

Japanese Balloon Bomb is a Historical Marker in Days Gone.


Japanese Balloon Bomb is also known as The Casualties of War.

Historical Marker found near McLoughlin Farm in the Highway 97 Corridor.

This marker stands as a memorial to honor the lives lost to the Japanese Balloon Bomb campaign of 1945, which claimed the lives of six people at this very spot. These deaths were the only World War II US combat casualities in the 45 states. A Sunday School teacher, her husband, and five 13-14 year old students were driving along this road, when the balloon made contact, killing them instantly..

The balloons were part of the Japan's FuGu campaign. In all, Japan released around 9,000 balloons, 342 of which reached the United States.



Video Walkthrough[edit]

Japanese Balloon Bomb Video Walkthrough