Protect Boozer from Rippers is an objective in Days Gone (DaysGone).

Protect Boozer from Rippers is an objective in the Story Mission, That Never Gets Old in Days Gone


  • Watch Boozer as he heads over to the East toward the top of the dam itself.
  • As he reaches the edge of the dam, watch out for the first pair of Rippers that will be coming from the dam and going over to the West.
  • Boozer will not take long to set the first charge.
  • He will then head over to the West, going toward the next set of scaffolding.
  • More Rippers will be coming from the West with Assault Rifles to attack Boozer.
  • Use your Focus when you see the Rippers incoming to go for quick headshots.
  • If you hear Boozer telling Rippers to get off him, you will need to quickly eliminate the Rippers to avoid losing too much of his health.
  • Continue to the West to take out the next wave of Rippers.
  • Boozer will reach the next set of scaffolding to reach the next location to place the charge.
  • Stay out of the Rifle scope for now to watch for the next wave of Rippers that will be coming from the trees.
  • Boozer will set the charge and then start down the stairs to the North, reaching the lower area.
  • Watch the gate to the West now, because are going to be a lot of Rippers incoming soon.
  • After that, watch the bunker to the North for a Heavily Armored Ripper that will come out onto the dam with a Gatling Gun.
  • Having cleared these groups, watch the area to the East for more Rippers that will attack Boozer.
  • Continue watching Boozer as he heads to the West, keeping an eye out for more Rippers.
  • He will set the charge and head over to the East toward the final location.
  • As Boozer reaches the bridge, watch the building in the Northwestern area where a Sniper will emerge.
  • From there, look to the Eastern side of the bridge for more incoming Rippers that will attack Boozer.
  • Another pair of Rippers will attack from the Western side of the bridge after that, so quickly eliminate each of them.
  • Boozer will finally reach the fourth and final point to plant the chargers.
  • From there, just watch out for more Rippers in case more come.
  • Just after he finishes planting the final charge, another Ripper will come out.
