The 45th Parallel in Days Gone (DaysGone).

The 45th Parallel is a Historical Marker in Days Gone.


The 45th Parallel is also known as The Halfway Point.

Historical Marker found near Ripplebrook in the Lost Lake Wilderness.

The 45th Parallel North is often called the halfway point between the Equator and the North Pole. It's a circle of latitude that is 45 degrees north of the Earth's equatorial plane, and it crosses Europe, Asia, and North America. At this latitute, the sun is visibile for nearbly 16 hours during the summer solstice, and 9 hours during the winter solstice. This markers stands along the exact line on the equatorial plane that marks the 45th parallel in Central Oregon.



Video Walkthrough[edit]

The 45th Parallel Video Walkthrough