Track Red Riley is an objective in Days Gone (DaysGone).

Track Red Riley is an objective in the Story Mission, It's A Goddamn Warzone in Days Gone


  • Travel out to the marked Pioneer Camp and head to the turn with the sign and the 2 bear totems.
  • Turn to the East once there and go up the nearby slope carefully.
  • Be wary of the patrolling Marauders that are around the area.
  • At the top of the slope, you will see a large building with railing around its balcony.
  • Climb over the balcony and move along to the Northern side of it to look for the wood shack.
  • Climb up onto the top of the wood shack to reach the rooftop.
  • Look to the South of the shack to find an opening in the roof to drop through.
