Deploy the Antenna is an objective in Dead Space (2023) (DeadSpace).

Deploy the Antenna is an Objective in the Chapter, Search and Rescue in Dead Space


  • Head out to the Comms Access Hall from the Comms Control Room.
  • Go over to the right, but be careful of the Slasher that is likely breaking in behind you.
  • Use Kinesis to move the the crates in front of the door leading to the Maintenance Gondola.
  • Just through the door go over to the left and open the wall container to collect a Node!
  • Head over to the right for a Blue-Lit Container with Credits and 1,800 Credits.
  • After that, head to the back right of the room to find the Gondola to ride.
  • Just hop into it and activate it.
  • On the far side, go over to the bench ahead on the left.
  • You'll find the Text Log: The Comms Relay Crew
  • Go over to the right where you can spot a Save Station and a Bench.
  • From there go into the nearby door to head toward the Comms Maintenance.
  • Going down this corridor, you will encounter your first full Divider.
  • It's more important to go for it's head than any other part of it to actually kill it.
  • Taking out its legs can cause it to break into peices you'd then need to hit.
  • It's a VERY good idea to use Stasis on it.
  • Continue from there over into the Maintenance Locker.
  • There is an important weapon upgrade to collect here: Upgrade Weighted Blades.
  • Just to the right of that are lockers with Credits in the open one and a Stasis Pack in the other.
  • You can also head over to the nearby Store to turn in the Schematics you've picked up as well as.
  • Go and open the container to the left of the bench to find more Plasma Energy.
  • Exit the room after doing all that.
  • Go over to the right and head for the elevator down to Comms Maintenance.
  • Call the elevator and then move back a few steps.
  • There is a Slasher lurking inside it!
  • Defeat the Slasher then take the elevator down.
  • Exit the elevator and across from you is a Save Station next to the entrance for Comms Maintenance.
  • Before going in, head over to the left and get to the end of the hallway.
  • You can find a Wall container on the left with a Node.
  • On the ground, along the left-hand side, you will find a number of Pulse Rounds, Plasma Energy, 1,500 Credits on the ground.
  • At the very end of the hallway are lockers with Oxygen Tank, Medium Med Pack and Pulse Rounds in the right-hand two.
  • Go back along the hallway to the door (ignore the hatch by you for now) leading to Comms Maintenance.
  • Go inside and interact with the control panel in front of you.
  • You will learn the blast doors are obstructing the broadcast antenna from extending.
  • Opening the shutters reveals the remains of the Leviathan have clung onto the USG Ishimura and Isaac needs to blast them off to get the broadcast antenna to extend.
