Escape the creature is an objective in Dead Space (2023) (DeadSpace).

Escape the creature is an Objective in the Chapter, Lethal Devotion in Dead Space


  • Isaac needs to escape to win against this foe.
  • Start by shooting out either of its legs while backing up.
  • Quickly hit it with a blast of Stasis after that.
  • You can then either shoot it or stomp it a few times before Stasis wears off.
  • Back off and repeat this to kill the Hunter.
  • Aim for its arms after that to sever one.
  • Quickly grab one its blades with Kinesis and smash it into the Hunter.
  • If you do manage to "kill" the Hunter, you will see it regenerate over just a few seconds.
  • Daniels will contact Isaac and he calls for her to open the Chemical Lab.
  • Deal with the Hunter until the door is opened.
  • The door toward Imaging Diagnostics will unlock and gives you a path out.
  • Run out of the room and head to the left from the hall.
  • Sprint through Imaging Diagnostics, and its recommended to have the Flamethrower at the ready since there is a group of Swarmers to deal with.
  • Just keep going forward toward the Security Station.
  • As you run down the hallway from Imaging Diagnostics toward Isaac will hear from Daniels.
  • Most of the doors are now locked down and its all stemming from one office.
