Find the Captain's Body is an objective in Dead Space (2023) (DeadSpace).

Find the Captain's Body is an Objective in the Chapter, Intensive Care in Dead Space


  • With the barricade destroyed, Issac will see a Slasher emerge from behind the barricade.
  • Destroy them and head through the now exposed unlocked door.
  • This will bring you into Ishimura Clinic.
  • Inside here, turn to the left and go to the back right corner, where you can see the wall container.
  • Open it up to find a Node, but it requires Security Clearance level 1.
  • Go over to the seats to the left to find Weapon Upgrade: Plasma Cutter.
  • Collect that and then head over to the left to the Blue-Lit Box to smash for 100 Credits.
  • Now, head into the Emergency Room.
  • Inside here, go over to the left and watch the Hologram recording, as part of the side mission: Scientific Methods.
  • Head over to the left along the back of the room to find Plasma Energy.
  • Continue to the left and into the small office.
  • In here, smash open the blue-lit container in the back left corner to find Plasma Energy.
  • Check the back right part of the floor to find Credits.
  • Finally, for this office, check the available lockers on the left for 100 Credits.
  • Go to the lockers on the right to open the available lockers to find 100 Credits.
  • Exit the room and head out of the office to the right, toward the entrance of ER Hallway B.
  • Turn to the right here and stay close to the machines.
  • Just a bit down the way, you will find the Text Log: Patient Observations sitting on the table at the end.
  • Having collected it, head to the Southeastern corner of the room, where the Power Cell and the Circuit Breaker.
  • Switching the Circuit Breaker to Shower to gain access to Nicole's Safe Room.
  • Go to the left of the Circuit Breaker and into the newly revealed room to find some Lockers.
  • Check the operating table for the Log from
  • In the left locker is Gold Semiconductor, the others have Plasma Energy.
  • After that, go over to the Circuit Breaker and turn off the Power to it.
  • This will raise the hatch over the Power Cell and use Kinesis.
  • With the Power Cell "in hand", set it down to search the room for Lurkers.
  • 3 Slashers will come in from the ceiling, one after the other.
  • Defeat the Necromorphs before bringing the Power Cell over to the other Power Socket to the left of ER Hallway A.
  • get the Power Cell into the socket to open the path into ER Hallway A.
  • Head through the now accessible doorway.
  • Inside here are numerous operating tables.
  • Go to the table across from the door to find 400 Credits.
  • Go over to the back left corner from there to find 100 Credits.
  • Carefully head over to the opposite end of the room where you could be ambushed by a Lurker.
  • From down the hallway to the right, you will need to worry about a Leaper.
  • This will bring you into ER Hallway B.
  • Continue to the Southern door.
  • You can find a Rats In The Wall next to the door leading onwards.
  • If you go to the right, going along the ER Hallway B.
  • Just here, you will find Medium Med Pack.
  • Getting to the far end of it, you will need to deal with Slasher crashing in from the ceiling.
  • Another pair of Slashers will break through behind you.
  • There is an Oxygen Recharge Station sitting there for later use.
  • There are 2 containers in the corner you can smash with a Stomp to get 100 Credits on the left and Small Med Pack on the right.
  • Between them is a wall container with a Node.
  • Backtrack to the entrance of Intensive Care Unit.
  • Go through the door to find 2 survivors who die shortly after you enter.
  • Turn back toward the entrance of the room to find a Stasis Recharge Station on the right and a in the container to the left of the door.
  • From there, head to the back left of the room, past the tubes to where the desk with the orange displays.
  • In the Blue-Lit Containers, you can stomp to get 400 Credits.
  • The computer can't be accessed until you get the Captain's Rig, so head for the Morgue nearby.
  • Going into the hallway beyond, toward the Morgue itself, a plume of fire breaks through the wall.
  • This breaks the hull of the ship, so you are in Vacuum now.
  • Just head forward toward the far end of the hallway, emergency shutters will stop things from getting pulled into space, but that does little about the loss of atmosphere in this hallway itself.
  • Going forward, look along the left-hand side to find a floating Power Cell.
  • Grab it with Kinesis, but be away there is a Lurker coming around the corner on the ceiling.
  • Get to the end of the hallway and put the Power Cell into the socket.
  • This gets power flowing back to the door nearby, clearing the way to the Morgue.
  • Ride the elevator down and step outside.
  • Just to the right (and easy to miss) is an Oxygen Recharge Station you could need later.
  • Go through the doors in front of you to enter the Morgue.
  • Look to the gurney to the left to find some Credits.
  • Nearby there is a Blue-Lit Container with Plasma Energy inside it.
  • Continue around the room to the right.
  • Sitting on the gurney leading into the next room is a Stasis Pack.
  • Go across the room to the first illuminated tabletop with the glove dispenser.
  • Sitting on the tabletop nearby is the Text Log: Autopsy Report
  • Just to the right is the blue-lit crate with 100 Credits inside it.
  • Go to the nearby door enter the Autopsy Room after that.
  • Inside, you do find the body of the Captain.
