Find the SOS Beacon is an objective in Dead Space (2023) (DeadSpace).

Find the SOS Beacon is an Objective in the Chapter, Into the Void in Dead Space


    • If you found Dallas's Rig first, you need to make your way back to the elevator that moves between the decks of this section of the USG Ishimura.
  • Take the elevator down to Deck D - Maintenance.
  • Once here, go forward and then take the ramp down to the left.
  • Be careful here to have to deal with a Guardian if you go down along the other side.
  • You will also need to be on guard for a Slasher, and Infector.
  • Killing the Guardian will give you access to Secure Storage which it was protecting.
  • Go inside here and head to the back, and you can use the Circuit breaker to open different storage units.
  • Use the Circuit Breaker to open Storage 2.
  • Go inside the door just to the left of the circuit breaker.
  • Inside this room, look to the left on the floor to find the Audio Log: Nicole and Dr. Kyne.
  • You can also go to the back right of the room to find some lockers with Plasma Energy in them.
  • You can exit the room and head to the circuit breaker after that.
  • There is nothing in Room 3
  • Switching to room 1, the first door on the left as you entered, you can find a group of Swarmers.
  • After all that, head out of Secure Storage.
  • Go forward and through the far door on the right to enter Equipment Maintenance.
  • Just inside on the right is a Save Station.
  • Go over to the left after that and use Kinesis to grab and pull the nearby gondola toward you.
  • Step onto it and use the control panel to start across the gap.
  • While riding across you will need to be on guard since there are Pods on the sides.
  • The first is on the left and just after that, another will appear on the right.
  • Quickly shoot them both to destroy them and save yourself some pain.
  • You will also need to deal with some Slashers as well that will be spitting at you.
  • The left-hand middle platform has a tentacle pod on it.
  • The final platforms have a Slasher on each of them for you to deal with.
  • There are also explosive containers that you can grab and throw at them.
  • Just to the right is a container with Plasma Energy.
  • Turn around and head to the shelving behind you to find 1,500 Credits.
  • Just to the left of that you will find more Plasma Energy.
  • During this time you likely see a conversation between Isaac and Nicole.
  • She leaves the room going into the Repair Room.
  • The door is unlocked so you can head through to the Repair Room.
  • Inside you can find a container ahead on the left next to the door to Equipment Workshop.
  • You will find a container with Plasma Energy.
  • Just to the left you can find the entrance to Equipment Workshop.
  • Beyond the door you can find another container against the wall with Plasma Energy.
  • Isaac and Nicole talk here for a moment while she is unlocking the door to the Equipment Workshop.
  • While she's busy, Isaac will have a few Slashers that he'll need to fight through.
  • Get through them and then look over toward Nicole.
  • You will see a Slasher that is advancing on her.
  • There is a second Slasher will also come at Isaac.
  • The two has a little more to say before the door will open into the Equipment Workshop.
  • Open the door and head over to the left before taking the nearby ramp down.
  • In the lower area, you can find most of what you're looking for.
  • On the right-hand workbench you will find the SOS Beacon.
  • Go to the middle of the back wall to find a container with Plasma Energy.
  • In the back left of the room you will find a container with Plasma Energy.
  • Over to the right of the bench that had the SOS Beacon you can find a Medium Med Pack on the shelving.
  • You can then look in the front right of the room to find some Kinesis Blocks.
  • Move the blocks to find a Blue-Lit Container with a Medium Med Pack inside it.
  • But once you have the SOS Beacon collected, everything is ready for you to leave this room and get back to work on getting help.
