Fix the Comms Array is an objective in Dead Space (2023) (DeadSpace).

Fix the Comms Array is an Objective in the Chapter, Search and Rescue in Dead Space


  • Go through the door toward the Main Atrium Crew Deck.
  • Just through the door is a Save Station.
  • Just head forward to the Main Atrium.
  • Inside the Main Atrium, head over to the right to find the mail sitting on the bridge.
  • You will find there are Exploders that will be lumbering toward you.
  • There are also Slashers, Leapers in the Main Atrium as well.
  • Now, turn toward the space between the passage into the Atrium and the Storage to open the containers with Plasma Energy, 100 Credits, 400 Credits.
  • After that, there is a call from Kendra.
  • Head into the elevator on the side closest to the entrance and ride it to Level 3.
  • Head into the Electrical Lobby and go over to the right, heading through the door there.
  • There is another Save Station here that you could use.
  • Go over to the left to find there are now Guardians Isaac will need to deal with.
  • One sits in the corner and one is to the left of the Comms Access Hall.
  • Head inside, and before continuing forward through the Comms Access Hall, take some time to explore what's here.
  • Go into the Comms Access Storage.
  • Inside here you can find 1,200 Credits sitting on the table inside to the right.
  • In the back left is a container with 1,200 Credits inside it.
  • On the left you can find more Credits sitting on the bottom shelf to the left of the door.
  • There are also 2 Blue-Lit containers to the left of the door, which have Plasma Energy inside them.
  • Exit the room after that.
  • Go across and head into the Comms Control Room.
  • Head to the far end of the room to find the control panel for the array.
  • This display is telling Isaac that the Dishes need to be realigned (and see a Leaper go across the window.
  • This will trigger the log: Log: Comm Array Error.
  • Now, head back to the entrance to the hallway leading toward the Controls.
  • You can head into E Baily 1st CO to the right.
  • Inside E Bailey 1st CO, you can find Audio Log: Mayday on the desk and Bailey's Rig on the back table.
  • Just across from there you will find Comms Array Locker Room.
  • There are Blue-Lit Containers that have Stasis Pack and Plasma Energy.
  • Head over to the left and to the lockers.
  • The Left-hand locker has a Ruby Semiconductor, and going to the right you can find Plasma Energy and 400 Credits
  • Exit the Locker room after that and go to the left.
  • Interact with the table to find a transmission from the Captain.
  • Head to the far side of the room and set into the Communications Array itself.
  • Take a moment to look just to your right to spot a floating 1,200 Credits.
  • After that, it's time to get to work on the repairs.
  • Inside here, you have work to do and you are going to need to repair the circuits throughout.
  • You will have a few Leapers and Lurkers nearby.
  • Get to the front of the large display of the active circuit.
  • Now you need to take the time to pull the various circuits from around the room to complete the 2 just below the large monitor.
  • Take some time to pull the red circuits at the gaps.
  • Let's start by going over to the right and use Kinesis to pull the damaged circuits to the right and up from that first damaged circuit.
  • Go over to the right and pull the lower circuit over there.
  • Grab it and slot it into the lower circuit nearby the circuit display.
  • All the Circuits orient appropriately when you grab them with Kinesis.
