Lift the Lockdown is an objective in Dead Space (2023) (DeadSpace).

Lift the Lockdown is an Objective in the Chapter, Lethal Devotion in Dead Space


  • Time to deal with this lockdown.
  • Start by heading into the Ishimura Clinic and then through to the Emergency Room.
  • Inside the Emergency Room, head over to the right.
  • Be wary of the Enhanced Slasher that drops from the ceiling.
  • A few Slashers will break through and attack.
  • And the Hunter will break in to attack Isaac.
  • Make your way over toward ER Hallway A.
  • To access this Hallway, you will need use Kinesis to lift a Power Cell and put into the socket to unlock the nearby door.
  • Run down the hallway after that.
  • Look on the left and go down the hallway toward ER Hallway B.
  • On the left hand side, you can find the Audio Log: Dr Kyne's Dementia on the third bed down this hallway.
  • There is likely a Plasma Energy sitting on the floor next to the bed on the left.
  • Continue down the hallway and you can now enter Emergency Equipment Storage since you have Security Clearance Level 2 now.
  • Sitting in the middle of the room is the Line Gun.
  • Grab this and head to the back right where you can find some Line Ranks on the ground.
  • Just past that you can find a Wall Container with a Node inside it.
  • Go over to the left from there and small the Blue-Lit container on the floor next to the shelves and other containers.
  • This container likely has a Small Med Pack inside it.
  • The small containers on the floor have Line Ranks on the left and right.
  • With all that gathered, step out of the storage room and back into ER Hallway A.
  • Run toward ER Hallway B but stop as you enter it.
  • next to the door leading into Intensive Care Unit is another Guardian.
  • Once again, aim for its tentacles and quickly sever them while keeping some distance.
  • Hit it with Stasis to minimize the number of launched pods.
  • After that, before going into the Intensive Care Unit, take some time to head down ER Hallway B.
  • Toward the end of it, on the last intact bed on the left, you can find the Log: Sterile Instruments.
  • Now head through to the Intensive Care Unit.
  • Be on guard for Lurkers that have slipped into this area.
  • Once inside there, head to the back left corner of the room.
  • Sitting on that table is the Text Log: Harris's Choice.
  • Head to the
  • Now go into Dr. C. Mercer - 250.
  • Inside there and head to the table across from the entrance.
  • Sitting on the desk, next to the display on the left, is the Text Log: Mercer's Journal.
  • Sitting on the right-hand side of the table is the Ruby Semiconductor.
  • Over to the right you can find a Blue-Lit container with Credits
  • Sitting on the right-hand able next to the shelving there to find a Large Med Pack.
  • After all that, go over to the computer on the left.
  • Interact with it to deactivate the lockdown here.
  • Just wait out the reboot, and listen to what the dying person has to say.
