Return to the Kellion is an objective in Dead Space (2023) (DeadSpace).

Return to the Kellion is an Objective in the Chapter, New Arrivals in Dead Space


  • Time to return to the Kellion, so head to the door with the label: To Flight Deck Elevator.
  • Go up the ramp and through the door at the top on the left.
  • Weave through the control to where you saw the crewmember get dismembered by a Necromorph.
  • Enter the room where you got the Plasma Cutter.
  • Head forward through the open elevator door across from you.
  • Use the elevator to go back up toward the flight deck.
  • When the elevator stops, and the door opens, you catch a glimpse of Slasher.
  • Go along the hallway to head toward Security and Transit Office.
  • Just before reaching the door though, you will encounter a Slasher.
  • Once inside the Security and Transit Office, head over to the right and go forward and out into the Flight Lounge.
  • Getting in here, Zach Hammond will contact Issac.
  • Head straight for Security Check-In
  • Just go through here and make your way back into the Main Hangar Bay.
  • Once there, just go over to the open door and head inside the Kellion.
  • Head over to the bridge to talk with Hailey Johnston once again.
  • She is concerned since Issac has blood on him.
  • He asks for the damage report to start fixing the Kellion.
