Unload the Marker is an objective in Dead Space (2023) (DeadSpace).

Unload the Marker is an Objective in the Chapter, Dead Space in Dead Space


  • Time to unload the Marker from the Shuttle onto Aegis VII.
  • Exit the shuttle and take the ramp down to the Main Landing Pad.
  • At the bottom of the ramp, go over to the right and head across the short walkway over to Nicole.
  • Interact with the control panel in front of Nicole.
  • It takes time for the Marker to unload, so explore around the area.
  • Just across from there you can find a Blue-Lit Container with some Plasma Energy as well as a Stasis Recharge Station.
  • Head over to the left and go to the end of the walkway.
  • There are a number of Wall Containers here.
  • The farthest one has a Node.
  • The Wall Containers to the left of it have Plasma Energy, Credits.
  • Head over to the right to find a container on the ground that has a Gold Semiconductor.
