The Mission Objective Charge the Glyph in King's Fall.

“Use the Deathsinger's power to charge the glyph wall.”

“Charge the Glyph” is an objective in the Raid King's Fall in Destiny: The Taken King


Having cleared the first set of Jumping puzzles it is time to start coordinating once again. The fireteam will need to split into 2 teams of 3 for this next portion. To complete this section, you will need to charge the glyphs on the doorway in front of you that the Acolytes and Adepts are praying to.

Charge the Glyph - King's Fall

To do this, the fireteam will need to descend into the smaller chambers that are on the left-hand and right-hand sides of the room. Inside each is an Annihilator Totem. Going into the mist that surrounds them will cause continual damage until you leave the mist or die.

Charge the Glyph - King's Fall

There is a small platform in front of each chamber. You will find a Tomb Husk. Collecting it will grant a 30 second buff Brand of the Weaver.

Charge the Glyph - King's Fall

Head into the mist filled room with a team-mate close by you. The third member on that side stays in the middle of the room for now and clears out the Hive in this room. Those descending into the mist will be protected by the Brand as long as they are in range. Go and stand underneath the Annihilator Totem in the red glow. When the Brand of the Weaver runs out, if the Guardian is under the Annihilator Totem, they will get 2 addition buffs: Aura of the Weaver and Deathsinger's Power. Call in the other Guardian on your side and run to the middle section of the room. During all this time, the Guardians in the middle section of the room have been clearing out additional Hive that have come in. Their priority will be to clear most of the adds and quickly eliminate the Wizards that appear on the platforms above the plate on the left and right.

Charge the Glyph - King's Fall

Stand on the plate in the middle of the room. Deathsinger's Power will slowly drain into the plate. This will charge the runes along the door. Once the Power has drained into the plate, head for the same side room.

About this point, the final member on that side is called and runs down into the side room. They will pass the Guardian with the Aura on the way. They now go stand under the Annihilator Totem with their other team member. This is the cycle you will be in until this room is complete. The enemies will get progressively more difficult.

The encounter is finished when you see the notice The Warpriest deems you worthy in the bottom left of your screen. Finsh off any [[category: Destiny The Hive|hive] in the room to charge your Super and collect the chest that appears.
