The Mission Objective Cut through the Fallen in Destiny.

“Fight your way through the Fallen and destroy the Devil Walker.”


Make your way down the corridor. Head through it until you reach The Blast. This area is a Darkness Zone during this mission, you have been warned. You have yet more Fallen to cut through here. As you approach the far side you will see a Fallen Skiff come in and drop a Devil Walker. Your fire team needs to take down the Fallen and their Devil Walker.

Destiny The Blast Conflict.jpg

You will encounter Dregs, Vandals and a few Captains. Try to take out the Fallen first. This makes dealing with the Devil Walker many times easier.

Dealing with the Devil Walker is a group effort. Have the team spread around it. They will want to attack different parts of the Walker. This will ensure it has a harder time tracking any one person. Avoid having any one person confront it, save being a Titan.
