The Mission Objective Defeat the Iron Lords Remnants in Destiny: Rise of Iron.

“Put the Iron Lords to rest.”

“Defeat the Iron Lords Remnant” is an objective in the mission The Iron Tomb in Destiny: Rise of Iron


From above you, the Remnants of Felwinter will come crashing down. If you are still near where you picked up the axe, you will be thrown backwards. The Remnants of Felwinter will focus on the closest Guardian and leap at them If they are close by, they will use a simple slam attack that can send a Guardian soaring without much difficulty.

Get close to the Remnants by using the Heavy Attack from the Battle Axe. This will quickly break their shield and render them vulnerable. Rush in and start attacking with a series of light attacks. Each attack will bring some charge back to the Axe. After it regains 10 or so power, use the heavy attack. If the axe runs out of fire, there is a nearby brazier that will recharge the axe over the period of several seconds. After you have done heavy damage to the Remnants, Splicers will down from the ceiling above. This is also a good time to use the heavy attack for its area burst. Clear out any survivors after you defeat the Remnants and look back to the center of the chamber. Be sure to also approach the Brazier if you have not used it yet to recharge your Axe. These will reignite after a set period of time if the brazier is extinguished.

Defeat the Iron Lords Remnants - The Iron Tomb

Two more Remnants of Iron Lords will drop in the middle of this chamber with a lot of Splicers. These are the Remnants of Jolder and Remnants of Gheleon. It helps a lot to take them on one at a time. With all the Splicers, it can be very difficult to manage this fight, especially if one is playing this mission solo. The Remnants can push you around with their tendril arm. They can also shoot you at a distance with their SIVA Gatling Gun.

Defeat the Iron Lords Remnants - The Iron Tomb

Keep on the move as much as possible throughout this fight. It will increase your chances of survival. Also, be on the lookout for the Sniper Vandal that likes to get on the pillar close to the middle of the room and start shooting you.
