The Mission Objective Destroy the Gates in Destiny.

“Destroy the Vex Gates.”


Get to the far side of the trains from the entrance to Tharsis Junction. There are a few Vex Gates that need to be destroyed in this area. The first gate is in the back right part of the train area. It is just to the left of the gates that lead to the sandy area:

Destroy the Gate

Quickly shut it down. The sooner done, the less Vex can get through and attack you. Things get really brutal after the second wave. Head through the nearby gate to the sandy part of the area. Immediately deal with the Hobgoblins. You will find the second Vex gate in this area.

Destroy the Gate

After you deal with the Hobgoblins, look just to the right of where they were to find the Vex Gate. Blast it to pieces. There are yet more Vex after that. More Hobgoblins and more Harpies. The next gate is a ways down the tunnel.

Destroy the Gate

You will see the gate over to your right. It is just beyond where a Vex Conflux is. This gate has a number of Goblins and Harpies. Protecting it with them is a Minotaur: the Prohibitive Mind. Ignore it for now and just worry about the gates. Head up onto the stairs nearby the Vex Conflux. You will see another Gate across from you to the left.

Head over to the Conflux after that look around. You will see the next gate nearby:

Destroy the Gate

Having dealt with the Gates, your main target is up: the Prohibitive Mind

The Prohibitive Mind

Keep your distance and work it over quickly. The more distance, the better. Using your Super is a great way to quickly punch through its shield. That will make your life a lot easier. After that, just mop up whatever other Vex are left and take out any remaining portals.
