The Mission Objective Destroy the Oracles in Destiny: House of Wolves.


“Destroy the Oracles” is an objective in the mission Wolves' Gambit in Destiny: House of Wolves


You now need to deal with the Oracles. You will need to destroy a total of Six of them! You only have a short time to find each Oracle and then destroy them. They are not very durable. The problem is, just like in the raid, take too long and they will kill you.

Destroy the Oracles - Wolves' Gambit

Unlike in the Raid, Variks will comment when an Oracle is about to appear. Even better is that the Oracle will be marked. This makes it a lot easier to quickly find them and defeat them before they can trigger their debuff: Mark of Negation.

Just like during the Raid, each place the Oracle can appear will have a sound. This will help those who know those notes and can quickly get there. If you are newer to this, just look for the marker.
