The Mission Objective Fight off the Hive in Destiny.

“Lay waste to the Hive while Ghost steals every Hive secret he can from the World's Grave.”


Time for an endurance test. Hopefully your cooldowns are done and all your weapons are reloaded. The first thing you will need to worry about is the horde of Thralls that will be rushing you. Save your Super for now.

In this rush you will encounter Cursed Thralls. Kill them at a distance to avoid having them explode in your Guardian's face. There are a number of regular Thralls and Acolytes in this wave as well. The big foe is a Wizard and a few Knights.

During the second wave you will encounter more Knights. There will be one with a Hive Boomer and one with a massive sword. Take them out using your stronger attacks. You will encounter yet more Thralls and Cursed Thalls. Be sure to clear out the Acolytes as well. When all the Hive enemies are gone, you will complete the mission.
