“Find a way through the wall to escape the Fallen.”
Time to get to the fighting part of Destiny. Head down the corridor and turn to the left to face the next one. Just go on through it. Just go around the next corner to the left. Go around the corner and you will find a Dreg and Vandal.
Go around the corners and follow the corridor. As you make it around the second one, a Dreg will drop down in front of you. This is a good time to just melee him for a quick kill. Shoot is also an option as its an easy headshot if you're quick about it. Go around the corner to the left and head toward the remains of the wall ahead. As you approach a large number of Fallen will drop from the ceiling. They are mostly Dreg but expect a Vandal as well. Turn to the left in the room, relative to the way you came in. This will lead to another catwalk. On the far side is a light. This helps give you a point to know where you need to go.
On the far side of the catwalk you will find a Gold Loot Crate. Open it up to receive your first Special Weapon. These use the Green Ammo Drops. It tends to be either a Sniper Rifle for Hunter or a Shotgun for Titans or a Warlock. Head on down the stairs in front of you and go around the corner to the left.
This hallway is not the easiest to get through. Just after you go around the corridor you will find 2 trip mines. Your Ghost will call them out. There are 2 ways to deal with these. Either duck under them or shoot them to destroy them. Just be sure to stay back if you shoot them.
Going past the first set of trip mines you will see Dreg drop in and lay many more mines. Just hang back around the corner or duck to the left behind the divide to start fighting all these foes. Clear out the hallway then go to the end of it and go to the right down the next.
In the next hall you have yet more Dreg and Vandals to contend with. Use the height and cover. You will have 2 waves of Fallen to deal with. The first wave is what you see coming in. Largely Dreg but there is a Vandal as well. Defeat them and you will encounter a second wave: 2 Dreg and a Vandal. Defeat them then head on through the door they came through. This is opposite the one you went through.
This leads to a tunnel. Follow it on through to the end. Go to the right and from there to The Divide. You will need to head straight forward. Cross through the Archway and keep going forward.
- Enter the Wall
- Find A Weapon
- Grab the Rifle
- Fight through The Wall
- Fight through the Fallen
- Find the ship
- Clear out the Fallen