The Mission Objective Find Omnigul in Destiny: Rise of Iron.

“Search the Jovian Complex for Omnigul, the Will of Crota.”

“Find Omnigul” is an objective in the Strike Omnigul Reborn in Destiny: Rise of Iron


Wait for the shutter doors to open. Head on inside and go over to the right. You will need to deal with some Splicers and SIVA Nodes along the way. Expect to deal with Captains and Vandals. There are 2 version of this upcooming area: Splicer and Hive.

Find Omnigul - Omnigul Reborn

Head on forward through the corridors to the next portion. Go around the corner and deal with the Splicers or the Hive that is there.

Find Omnigul - Omnigul Reborn

This will lead to the final area that leads up to Omnigul's room. In the Splicer version (Shown), the opening section of the area will have nodes and a number of Splicer Vandals, Tracer Shanks and some Splicer Captains as well.

Find Omnigul - Omnigul Reborn

Going up the slope, in the Splicer version, you will have a few Orges but a number of Splicer Servitor. Start with the Servitor that is on the ledge above the slope.

Find Omnigul - Omnigul Reborn

Clearing them out will have your team facing an Orge and more Hive from the top.

Find Omnigul - Omnigul Reborn

In the Hive version, it plays out much the same as it did before. You have a large number of Thralls, Knights and a few Wizards. Start with the Knight that is on the ledge above the slope. Toward the end, you will still be dealing with an Orge bearing down on you.

Find Omnigul - Omnigul Reborn

Go on up the slope into the corridor leading to the final room. Be careful of the Hive Clouds.

Find Omnigul - Omnigul Reborn
