“Golgoroth” is a Boss King's Fall and King's Fall: Heroic.
- Axoim Darts
- Unstable Light
- Orge's Venom

“Defeat Golgoroth.”
“Defeat Golgoroth ” is an objective in the Raid King's Fall in Destiny: The Taken King
Having arrived in Golgoroth's Cellar having made it through the Labyrinth, it is time to take on the next Boss in this Raid: Golgoroth. This can be a challenging fight but with some coordination and time, it is somewhat easy to master.
Team Suggestions[edit]
Nightstalkers with the Blackhole Tether are recommended. This helps increase damage on Golgoroth and slows the adds that will be coming at the fireteam in the pit.
Bladedancers are useful for clearing adds on the sides and in the pit. Using Razor's Edge for the wave can do light damage to Golgoroth while clearing adds.
Gunslingers with the Celestial Nighthawk can inflict truly impressive amounts of damage in a single spot on Golgoroth but should only be used if you are going after a very fast kill.
There should be at least 1-2 Defender Titans. Having Weapons of Light and Blessing of Light can do a lot to ensure that team is maintaining both health and high damage.
A Sunbreaker Titan is great for clearing the adds that spawn each time Golgoroth's gaze is broken. This especially true with Scorched Earth active and anything that boost the Titan's power in Sunspots. They can do good damage against Golgoroth as well.
Striker Titans can be useful for clearing the adds and some damage on Golgoroth. Any range extension will serve the team well to take out as many adds as possible.
A Stormcaller Warlocks can help immensely to clear out adds. This is useful out of the Pit and in the Pit.
Sunsingers can help with their Radiance ability boosting their ability to make orbs from weapon/melee/grenade kills while it is active. Self Resurrection is somewhat useful, but the Slab makes it far riskier.
Voidwalkers can do heavy damage against Golgoroth and adds
The Slab of Golgoroth[edit]
The most unique element is the large stone slab in the back of the room. Each time a member of the fireteam dies in this room, a glyph will light up. If all Glyphs on the stone slab are lit, then a deadly blast will sweep through the room and kill off the fireteam. There are 6 glyphs on the Slab.
Fighting Golgoroth[edit]
The boss fight will not begin until the orb in the middle of the room is shot down. Once it lands on the floor, Golgoroth will emerge from that spot.
Golgoroth is a unique and massive Orge that the Fire team needs to defeat.
Having started the boss fight, the team will want to first split between left and right. Each side needs to clear the wave of Thralls, Cursed Thrall, Acolytes and the few Adepts that appear on each side. Clear them out before starting a damage cycle on the boss.
There are 2 elements to damaging Golgoroth in this fight. The first is Capturing his gaze and the second is the Pool of Reclaimed Light. Both need to be coordinated together to inflict damage safely on the boss.
To "Capture" Golgoroth's Gaze, gaining the status: Orge's Gaze, a Guardian needs to shoot Golgoroth in his weakpoint on his back. Golgoroth will immediately turn toward that Guardian, loosing the typical orge blast in addition to a steam of Axiom Bolts that need to be shot down. Each each that hits, the Guardian will gain the Status Orge's Vemon which does damage over time.
While the Gaze Holder(s) work in on the platforms above the pit, the rest of the team will need to break 1 of the 6 Orbs hanging on the ceiling above Golgoroth. This will cause a drop of liquid to fall to the floor in the Pit. Those not holding the Gaze of Golgoroth need to drop down into the liquid's area of effect. This will give them the buff Pool of Reclaimed Light.
With this Buff active, the team in the pit will want to use Sniper Rifles and other high impact weapons to inflict massive damage onto Golgoroth. Have at least 1 person focus on clearing the Thralls and Cursed Thralls that will be rushing the team in the Pit.
Once Golgoroth's health decreases to half or below, the Hive adds will be replaced by. Mostly it will be Taken Thralls that you will be dealing with.
- Raid groups will mention "X Orb strats" when recruiting. This refers to the number of Orbs of Reclaimed Light used to kill Golgoroth.