Hive Abomination in Destiny: Rise of Iron.

“Hive Abomination” is a creation of the Hive.


Phogoth, the Untamed


  • Wretched Eye
  • Stomp


The Hive Abomination chained in the middle of the room. On the upper ledges have a number of Hive Snares and Knights. These tend to be in very good places to avoid attacks. All around you will need to be on the lookout for Thralls that will come from the doorways.

Destroy the Abomination - The Abomination Heist

The fight starts much like the The Summoning Pits final fight. The Abomination is initially chained and will break loose after you have done a portion of its health in damage. It will start roaming at that point. Have one or two Guardians focus their fire on the Abomination while the other(s) work on keeping control of the Hive which are here.

Getting the Abomination down by a quarter of its health will cause a wave of Hive to come into the arena. You will have both a Tombship dropping additional Hive as well as a number of Shriekers appearing around the center of the arena. thin out these reinforcements while keeping some focus on the Abomination.

Destroy the Abomination - The Abomination Heist

Around 50% health, there can be a few things that come into the arena. The first are some Blade of the Pit. These can be defeated and then you can use the Hive Sword that they left. Do not use this to directly attack the Abomination. Instead, charge up its Super against the Hive in the area and then use its Super to attack the Abomination.

At a point in the battle, 50% health, the Splicers can arrive. Ghost or Shiro will announce it. They work much like the normal reinforcements of the Hive, just they will attack the Hive given the chance.

If Splicers are present, you will occasionally encounter Elemental Captains: Scorch Captains, Shock Captains or Null Captain. They will drop a single shot Elemental Cannon that you can use to damage and destroy the Abomination.