Ir Halak, Deathsinger in Destiny: The Taken King.

“Ir Halak, Deathsinger” is a boss in the Hive. She is one of the Daughters of Oryx.



One of the Daughters of Oryx and a powerful Wizard. She has no other attacks and is protected by legions of Hive and some Taken Snipers.

Defeat the Daughters of Oryx - King's Fall

The Daughters are protected by a shield which makes them invulnerable. They can only be taken down by removing the shield that protects them. There will be one Guardian who is Torn Between Dimensions. This Guardian will not be able to fight but instead be able to climb dimensional platforms that can be triggered by the rest of the team. Completing the platform series will allow that Guardian to claim the buff Brand Claimer.

When the battle starts, a debuff called Hymn of Weaving will trigger. The second debuff of concern is Dirge of Unraveling, which is functionally the same as the Hymn. This is a timed debuff that will wipe the party when the timer runs out. To stop it you will need to complete an objective. This battle will have you alternating between the Daughters during the damage phase.

For the Guardian who is Torn Between Dimensions to reach the platform with the mote they are after, the most of the team will need to help them. Each person will be assigned a number. This corresponds to which platform in the sequence they are in. The first person always leads before the Torn Guardian can start their platforming sequence. This platform triggering needs to happen in a fairly rapid order. When the person in front of you gets on their platform, either jump onto yours shortly after or when you see the Torn Guardian getting onto the platforms over the person before you. Do not die or leave your platform until the Brand has been claimed. This will cause your set of platforms to fade and they will not return for the rest of this cycle! THis includes jumping on your platform. Evade by ducking or moving out of line of fire.

Defeat the Daughters of Oryx - King's Fall

The Torn Guardian will need to jump across all the platforms, following the motes of Taken Energy that are on them. There is very little room for error and missing a platform will result in the fireteam wiping. Which platform to start from can be figured out by going to the next platform, counter-clockwise, from the objective mote. Making it all the way to the final platform will give Torn Guardian the buff Brand Claimer.

Defeat the Daughters of Oryx - King's Fall

They now need to jump to the Deathsinger without the flames swirling around them and unleash its power on them as they would interact with an objective (Square - PS/X - Xbox). The Brand Claimer will become Brand of Unraveling.

Defeat the Daughters of Oryx - King's Fall

Now the team needs to rejoin and and begin inflicting massive damage on the unprotected Daughter. This needs to happen as soon as the shield around her is down. Commonly the team will meet on the small platform on the opposite pillar from the Daughter with the shield down. This will give the team the most possible time to start firing on the Daughter and get as much damage in as possible. When the Brand Timer is below 5 seconds, at least 1 Guardian needs to start clearing out the Hive which have come into the area. Clear them out during the last few seconds of the Brand of Unraveling and the short duration Aura of Unraveling.

To complete this boss fight, it is recommended to do 4 damage cycles, one on each Deathsinger and alternating between them. Once one Deathsinger is down, the second one must be killed as well or else the party will wipe. The bosses can be killed in 2 damage cycles, but it requires a lot of concentrated firepower.