Kill Kagoor Public Destiny.

This is a timed Public Event. Up to 9 people can participate in this event. This event has a 4 minute timer. The length of time depends on the difficulty of the Court Challenge.


To defeat Kagoor is a two step process. First, you destroy the Maleficent Eyes. This will grant you the Boon: Ogre's Fury this can stack up to 3 times. Each additional stack grants 5 seconds. Any additional stacks refresh the timer.

This 10 - 20 second boon increases the damage that you do to the Servile Ogre that defends Kagoor.

Once the Servile Ogre is dead, Kagoor is vulnerable. Immediately, everyone in the area should focus their fire on her. Kagoor does not have a lot of health but she is protected by a shield that needs to be taken down first. It only takes a few hits then you can start doing damage to her. Push this advantage to the very last second possible.

With all the fire going around in this area, you must be very careful whenever you break from cover. There are 2-4 Maleficent Eyes, the Servile Orge and at least 2 other Ogres that will spawn in regularly. Other Hive will appear as well to rush whoever is there.

It helps to have a few people in on this event. One or two can focus on the eyes and then turn their fire on the Servile Ogre when they have enough Fury. The others can focus on the adds until the Servile Ogre is down. Once it is, then everyone should close in on Kagoor and loose their Supers and weapons.