Naksis, Devil Baron in Destiny.

“Captain” are a rank of the Fallen.

Naksis is the field leader of the Fallen protecting the Mesh Generator from the Guardians and the the Hive. Both are looking for ways to destroy it and get at the High Servitor beyond it.

Naksis is part of the House of Winter. He sports a different armor from most other Fallen in the area.




Two Swords

Incendiary projectile weapons


Captains will command the tactics of the numerous Fallen around them. They favor melee oriented combat. They can also shield themselves for a time. This shield does not regenerate and will fail after enough damage is absorbed. This shield can be restored if they go long enough without taking damage.

High level Captains can warp across the battlefield in a manner similar to Hunters.

Even though he is shielded, he is very vulnerable to head shots.