Oracle in Destiny.

“Oracle” are a type of Vex.


Mark of Negation


The Oracle is a summoned force of the Templar in the Vault of Glass. These can appear at 7 different locations throughout the Templar's Well. The Oracle won't attack or move. It just appears as a bright light. If the Oracle is around for more than 10-15 seconds then it will Mark all living Guardians with the Mark of Negation. The Templar, after a time, will use its Ritual of Negation to kill anything marked.

Location Tones[edit]

Note Location
C Center of the stage from the cleansing fountain Center
D Left side of the stage Front Left
E To the right of the centerFront Right
F Sharp Left Conflux area Left
G Back right Conflux corner Right
A Back Left
B Flat Back Right