“Orbiks Prime” is an Ultra of Fallen.
Eye Blast
Seismic Slam
From the far side of the tower, Orbiks Prime will emerge. This is the rebuilt Machine God of Old that the Fallen worshipped.
Orbiks Prime behaves like most Servitors that you encountered at its scale. Thankfully, there is no mechanic the fight. However, it does appear with a large number of Dreg that you need to concern yourself about. There are a few Reaver Vandals that will appear throughout the area as well. These can be a concern because they generally act as Snipers.
Orbiks Prime will attempt to close in and use its slam attack if you stay out its general range. Like all Primes, it is able to teleport around the given area. it can also teleport the Guardian a bit closer to its location if you are out of range of its basic attacks.