The Quest Step Parts of a Whole in Destiny: Rise of Iron.

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“Parts of a Whole” is a Step in the Quest Channeling the Corruption in Destiny: Rise of Iron


Attack Fallen in the Plaguelands. Gather the SIVA tech Shiro-4 needs.

With the SIVA Engine (Charged) in your possession, things need to be found. Exploring the Plaguelands is just part of what you need to do. It can be running Patrol or doing Strikes or Missions within the Plaguelands.

As you defeat Splicers and other Fallen, you will get SIVA Tech Drops. The tougher the enemy, the more you are likely to get from them. Archon's Forge can be very helpful here for some fast encounters with challenging enemies.

Parts of a Whole - Channeling the Corruption

Once you have collected enough SIVA Tech, you will need to complete the Sepiks Perfected Strike. This will get you the SIVA Command Module.

Parts of a Whole - Channeling the Corruption

Quest Steps[edit]