“Phogoth, the Untamed” is a Boss of the Strike Mission - The Summoning Pits.
Weak Point[edit]
Heart that beats below its head
This battle can be broken into 4 stages: Chained, Unchained, Reinforced and Final Wave.
Starting in the second phase (Unchained) and lasting through the end, it is very important to have someone working on the adds into the fight. This will give you a good supply of ammo and help keep the mob itself more manageable. It is also a good idea to have the other 2 people holding the attention of the Boss.
The best place for cover is found in the back left behind the rock. There is another good cover spot in the back right behind a pillar. Head to either place if you need a chance to heal up.
Keep on the move and fight fiercest against Phogoth. Keep the heavy damage that way. Use your heavy weaponry against the mob as best possible to take out the most in a single blast.
Phogoth will be locked up in the middle of the room. Leave him like that until the entire team is ready to engage him. It is best to wait for everyone to sweep the room and take out the initial mob that is backing him up. Use this time to restock on ammo and reload everything.
When you are ready to deal with Phogoth, then start shooting at him. After a small amount of damage he will break free of the chains. This adds a new wave of adds.
The second phase of the fight. This is just past the warm up so keep that in mind. Knights will start to appear along the top of the area. Take your time to deal with them from cover if they prove annoying. Your focus should be the boss right now. Use the various bits of cover to stay healthy.
This is where things pick up even more. Knights, Wizards, Cursed Thralls and Acolytes are added into the mix. Now it is vital to have someone working on the mob. The sooner they kill enough of the adds, the sooner the higher rank enemies will stop spawning. Keep someone on Phogoth at all times.
Here you can stay in the lower areas and have to content with the mob. This makes it harder to deal with the boss but there is no shortage of ammo. You can also move into the upper areas. This makes it easier for the boss to deal with you, but you have less concerns about the mob below.
Final Wave[edit]
This triggers when Phogoth gets around 10% health. Now the enemies kick into higher gear. In response, you need to make sure that the team is spread across the whole of the area. . The basic Thralls will not stop at this point. You can still kill through the others: Knights, Wizards and Acolytes.
No one plays hero during this phase. If you see "Last Guardian Standing", get to cover and stay there! Deal with the Mob strictly if anything.