The Mission Objective Repel the Hive in Destiny.



The Gatehouse will become a Darkness Zone. Turn around and you will have a number of Hive coming after you. Things start there easily enough. The Fireteam needs to hold off (Complete) 3 waves of Hive.

The first wave is mostly Thrulls. There are a good number of them and they will be rushing the Gate where Ghost is. Just be ready and keep a steady line of fire on them. Favor melee attacks if you need to reload as they are the basic minion. This is a good way to quickly just work on through.

The second wave is where things get more interesting. You will encounter Acolytes. Get through the first group of them and a second will appear. The second wave has a Hallowed Acolyte mixed in. Clear them out and you have a melee Knight and a Wizard come in. Everyone can easily work together to get through these parts without any effort.

The third wave starts with a number of Thralls, Acolyte, a melee Knight and a few Cursed Thralls. You just need to survive and defeat this group of foes to move forward.
