“Sardon, Fist of Crota” is a Boss of The Hive in Destiny: The Dark Below. He is the boss of the Quest: Fist of Crota.
A very aggressive, durable and determined Knight. Armed with a Relic Blade, the Fist of Crota will chase whatever manifestations of Light have made its way into the lair. This Fist of Crota has some additional powers over many of the others of the Hive.
Sardon can call on the power of Crota to poison the air around him. This covers a vast area around the Fist of Crota. Be on guard for it as the Poison stacks on top of the Dark Burden debuff in place already.
Sardon can unleash a number of Shockwave attacks in a row. It can easily launch up to 3 in a row. Strafe to either side to move the attack as it begins.
When reduced to half health, Sardon will call in reinforcements of Acolytes and Thralls. Use these to restock ammo as needed.