The Quest Step Scan the Anomaly in Destiny: Rise of Iron.

“Scan the Anomaly” is a Step in the Quest Beauty in Destruction in Destiny: Rise of Iron


Enter into a patrol in the Plaguelands area. You want to look for Scan Missions. Head into The Archon's Keep area. You want to get one that has you searching for an Anomaly and directs you into and through the Archon's Forge, the Warrens and down into Site 6. If you do not get the mission you are after, abandon the objective, return to Orbit and then re-enter the area.

Scan the Anomaly - Beauty in Destruction

Inside Site 6 you will find a Splicer Walker Ultra that is guarding something as well as Iron Battle Axe. Fight on through the Splicers and the Walker.

Scan the Anomaly - Beauty in Destruction

Go to where the Walker was and look on the floor. You will find a small wolf's head ornament sitting on the ground. This will properly trigger the quest.

Scan the Anomaly - Beauty in Destruction

Quest Steps[edit]